Academic Year
Photo by Sabine Vielmo
Academic Year
We are pleased to release our 2023-2024 Annual Report, which captures a year of intellectual risk-taking, creative friction – and, most importantly, the urgent pursuit of a more just and sustainable future. Our third cohort of fellows convened 46 international scholars and practitioners working on topics such as depolarizing public debates, reimagining the commons, applying Black feminist perspectives to the polycrisis, governing the planetary commons, and redefining human flourishing. And we put our ideas into action – resulting in more than 50 academic publications, 86 events, and 100 public appearances. Enjoy browsing!
At THE NEW INSTITUTE we gather thinkers across disciplines and sectors to engage the challenges of our time. Our mission is to nourish transformation through interdisciplinary and trans-sectoral collaboration. Our residential fellowship program hosts up to 30 fellows in Hamburg, Germany. In addition, we organize events and workshops and collaborate with other institutions. The Institute is committed to incubating new ideas, expanding the influence of work already done, and making a tangible difference through its work.
Since 2022, we have framed our activities in terms of the global discourse on a New Enlightenment. The goal has been to identify strategies for re-coupling sectors (for instance, economics and ethics) that are systematically uncoupled. In the first instance, this requires the creation of distinctive research formats. It is not enough to apply diagnostic insights from academia to so-called “practice”; these sectors must be participants from the beginning in order to adequately reshape the problem space within which academic work proceeds. In this way, we intend to generate innovative, realistic ideas for positive social change.