
Deliberating a Just Transition - Globally? 

internal event
internal event

Deliberating a Just Transition - Globally? 

The Hall

A lunch talk with Azucena Morán on deliberative institutions as a governance basis.

This lunch talk will explore deliberative institutions as a governance basis to ensure a just transition at the plurinational and international levels, with a focus on "green sacrifice zones"  (Zografos and Robbins 2020), geographies where land- and water-grabbing pave the way for renewable energy generation and the mining of Energy Transition Minerals (ETMs) emerges next to the historical extraction of ores. 

The talk will engage with the empirical analysis of plurinational and transnational processes of deliberation on green extractivism (e.g., the audiovisual analysis of the limits of deliberating on Energy Transition Minerals in the Global Assembly on the Climate and Ecological Crises, which engaged 100 participants from all over the world at COP26). The ethical complexity emerging from these processes signals weaknesses within the current premise of deliberative democracy. Ultimately, the need for retheorization emerges—that is, if deliberative democracy is to maintain its premise and promise of enabling a democratic and just transition at the global level.


Azucena Morán is a Research Associate at the Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam. Her transdisciplinary work explores deliberative and participatory responses to planetary challenges. She is part of Participedia's Editorial board and the Steering Committee on Democratic Innovations of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). She has lectured at the University of Potsdam and conducted research at the Berlin Social Science Center and Public Agenda.


This conference is a closed event. If you have any questions about this event, please contact Yasmin Guillén Lange. Press inquiries can be made here.

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