
Publications 2022/2023


Publications 2022/2023

Through our fellowship programs, we support research and thus publications by individuals and fellow groups. In addition to publications as our primary output, we also support other kinds of public interventions, such as interviews, podcasts, public readings, and artistic practices. In the following, we list the publications that were produced, either in part or in full, during our fellows’ tenure at THE NEW INSTITUTE.

Academic Publications

Academic Publications

Journal articles

Atmanspacher, Harald (2023). “Why Physics Does Not Inform the Human Condition, But Its Boundaries Do”, Foundations of Science.

Brüggemann, Michael and Meyer, Hendrik (2023). “When debates break apart: Discursive polarization as a multi-dimensional divergence emerging in and through communication”, Communication Theory, 33(2–3), pp. 122–132.

Brüggemann, Michael et al. (2023). “From Disruptive Protests to Disrupted Networks? Analyzing Levels of Polarization in the German Twitter Discourses around ‘Fridays for Future’ and ‘The Last Generation’”, OSF Preprints.

Chang, Ruth (2023).“Three Dogmas of Normativity”, Journal of the Society for Applied Philosophy, 40(2), pp. 173–384.

Ellis, George F. R. (2023). “Efficient, Formal, Material, and Final Causes in Biology and Technology”, Entropy, 25(9).

Ellis, George F. R. (2023). “Quantum physics and biology: the local wavefunction approach”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2533

Ellis, George F. R. and Di Sia, Paolo (2023). “Complexity Theory in Biology and Technology: Broken Symmetries and Emergence”, Symmetry, 15(10).

Katsman, Anna (2023). “The spirit of ethical life as syllogism”, Philosophy & Social Criticism, 0(0).

Lissner, Tabea et al. (2023). “Representation of adaptation in quantitative climate assessments”, Nature Climate Change, 13, pp. 309–311.

Lissner, Tabea et al. (2023). “Towards scenario representation of adaptive capacity for global climate change assessments”, Nature Climate Change, 13, pp. 778–787.

Lissner, Tabea and Serdeczny, Olivia (2023). “Research agenda for the loss and damage fund”, Nature Climate Change, 13, p. 412.

Müller, Tobias et al. (2023). “Scoping Review zu Klimawandel und psychischer Gesundheit in Deutschland – Direkte und indirekte Auswirkungen, vulnerable Gruppen, Resilienzfaktoren”, Journal of Health Monitoring (8).

Snower, Dennis J. and Bosworth, Steven (2023). “Technological Advance, Social Fragmentation and Welfare”, Social Choice and Welfare, 62, pp. 197-232.

Süß, Rahel (2023). “Who is the Digital Sovereign?”, Democratic Theory, 10(2), pp. 56-66.


Gabriel, Markus (2022). Moral Progress in Dark Times. Universal Values for the 21st Century. Cambridge: Polity.

Gabriel, Markus (2023). Liebe Kinder oder Zukunft als Quelle der Verantwortung. Munich: Kjona.

Gabriel, Markus (2023). Sätze über Sätze. ABC des wachen Denkens. Zürich: Kein & Aber.

Gabriel, Markus (2024). Sense, Nonsense, and Subjectivity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Gabriel, Markus (2024) [Forthcoming in Japanese]. “Doing Good. How Ethical Capitalism can Save Liberal Democracy.”, Tokyo: Hayakawa Publishing.

Hanusch, Frederic (2023). The Politics of Deep Time. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Mantzavinos, Chrysostomos (2024) [Forthcoming]. The Constitution of Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Edited books

Feichtner, Isabel et al. (eds.) (2023). (Post)Koloniale Rechtswissenschaft: Geschichte und Gegenwart des Kolonialismus in der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Feichtner, Isabel and Gordon, Geoff (eds.) (2023). Constitutions of Value, Law, Governance, Political Economy and Ecology. New York: Routledge.

Zwitter, Andrej and Dome, Takuo (eds.) (2023). Meta-Science: Towards a Science of Meaning and Complex Solutions. Groningen: Groningen University Press.


Bloch, Carole (2023). “Integrative neuroscience and Froebelian understandings in early childhood” in Bruce, Tina et al. (eds.) The Bloomsbury Handbook to Friedrich Froebel. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 427-435.

Chang, Ruth (2024) [Forthcoming]. “Human in the Loop!”, in Edmonds, David (ed.), AI Morality, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Feichtner, Isabel and Gordon, Geoff (2023). “Constitutions of Value: An Introduction”, in Feichtner, Isabel and Gordon, Geoff (eds.) Constitutions of Value: Law, Governance, and Political Ecology. New York: Routledge. pp. 1–30.

Feichtner, Isabel (2023). “Koloniales Wirtschaftsrecht und der Wert der Kolonisation”, in Feichtner, Isabel et al. (eds.) (Post)Koloniale Rechtswissenschaft: Geschichte und Gegenwart des Kolonialismus in der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft. Tübigen: Mohr Siebeck. pp. 189–229.

Müller, Tobias (2023). “Verflechtungen von Staat, Raum und Säkularismus: die ungebaute Moschee in München”, in Hidalgo, Oliver et al. (eds.) Islampolitik und Deutsche Islam Konferenz. Politik und Religion., Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Venzke, Ingo (2023). “Law in the Climate Catastrophe: What should legal analysis become?”, in Focarelli, Carlo (ed.) Human Society and International Law: Reflections on the Present and the Future of International Law, Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer, pp. 309–343.

Venzke, Ingo (2023). “The Path not Taken: On Legal Change and its Context”, in Krisch, Nico and Yildiz, Ezgi (eds.) The Many Paths of Change in International Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 309–332.

Venzke, Ingo and von Bernstorff, Jochen (2023). “International Law and Justice”, in Peters, Anne (ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Other Publications

Other Publications

Policy and Working Papers

Görlich, Dennis and Engels, Markus (2023). “Tapping the Power of International Think Tank Cooperation to Solve Global Challenges”, in Sonobe, Tetsushi et al. (eds.) A World in Crisis, a world in Progress: Growing Better Together. Tokyo: ADBI, pp. 6–11. 

Krahé, Max (2023). “Understanding Italy’s Stagnation”, Dezernat Zukunft.

Mayer, Colin and Snower, Dennis J (2023). “An ethical framework for measuring prosperity”, T20 Policy Brief.

Snower, Dennis J. and Twomey, Paul D. (2022). “Implementing an
Individual-Empowered Data Governance Regime”
, Think7 Policy Brief.

Newspaper and Magazine Contributions

Alpert, Avram (2022). “Many Wisdoms”, Aeon. 16 December.

Avram, Alpert (2023). “Why There Is Nothing Better Than Good Enough”The Philosopher, 19 February.

Avram, Alpert (2023). “Reviving Hope for the Humanities”Project Syndicate, 4 April.

Bria, Francesca and Blankertz, Aline (2023). “Urbane Daten für die Gesellschaft”, Tagesspiegel, 26 October

Gabriel, Markus (2022). “Sense and Nonsense in California: A conversation with Markus Gabriel”, LARB, 23 October.

Gabriel, Markus (2022). “Die Metaphysik des Regionalprodukts”, DIE ZEIT, 8 December.

Gabriel, Markus (2023). “Woran erkennen wir die richtige Intuition, Herr Gabriel?”, Philosophie Magazin, 5 January.

Krahé, Max and Dietz, Georg (2023).“Alles wird sich ändern”, DIE ZEIT, 3 July.

Leipold, Bruno (2023). “Ein Kobold geht um. Die bürgerliche Republik ist ein Fortschritt, aber nicht das Ende des Fortschritts”, Jacobin, 26 September.

Salami, Minna (2023). “Closing the eco gender gap”, Taipai Times, 20 February.

Simon, Judith (2023). “Judith Simon über Chatbots: “ChatGPT versteht nicht, es simuliert nur Sprache” Frankfurter Rundschau, 31 January

Stöcker, Christian (2022). ”Der Rationalist”, SPIEGEL, weekly column.

Süß, Rahel (2022). “Radikale Demokratie für das Klima“, Zeitschrift Luxemburg, October.

Temelkuran, Ece (2023). “After the earthquake, the rage in Turkey is greater than the pain”, The New Statesman, 8 February

Temelkuran, Ece (2023). “Ich schäme mich“. SPIEGEL, 13 February.

Temelkuran, Ece (2023). “la dittatura nasce dalla sfiducia”, La Stampa, 21 March.

Temelkuran, Ece (2023). “Erdogan governa con la paura e fa campagna con i deepfake, queste elezioni sono una sfida epocale per la Turchia”, La Repubblica, 09 May.

Temelkuran, Ece (2023). “Turkey’s choice could not be starker: more cruelty under Erdoğan, or the return of justice and hope”, The Guardian, 11 May.

Temelkuran, Ece (2023). “Der türkische Moment der Wahrheit“,, 13 May.

Temelkuran, Ece (2023). “We need Faith, not Hope”, Arts of the Working Class, 15 May.

Temelkuran, Ece (2022). “Erdogan ist ein Glückspilz”, Der Standard, 29 September.

Temelkuran, Ece (2022). “Revolution ist weiblich: Der Tanz der Jasmine”, Der Freitag, 6 October.

Upor, László (2023). “Fegyverek közt jajgatnak a múzsák”, revizor, 18 February.

Venzke, Ingo (2023). “Tragedy & farce in climate commentary”, The European Review of Books 3, 19 April.

Venzke, Ingo (2023). “Windows of Opportunity”, Arts of the Working Class, 13 June.


Brüggemann, Michael, Farjam, Mike, Meyer, Hendrik and Rauxloh, Helena (2023). “From Disruptive Protests to Discursive Polarization? Comparing German News on Fridays for Future and Letzte Generation.”, Preprint.

Ellis, George F. R. and Noble, Denis (2023). “Economics, Society, and the Pre-eminent Role of Values”, from a series on “Economic Paradigm Change” organized by Global Solutions Initiative, Prosocial World, and INET Oxford, 24 May

Feichtner, Isabel (2023). “Tiefseebodenbergbau und Planetares Denken”, Verfassungsblog. 25 July.

Harpham, Geoffrey (ed.) (2023). Theories of Race, Theories of Race, An annotated anthology of essays on race 1684–1900.

Kashtalian, Iryna (2023). “Franziska Exeler: Ghosts of War”, sehepunkte 23(9).

Krahé, Max (2022). “Warum steigen Preise – und was kann man dagegen tun?”,

Krahé, Max and Orphal, Philipp (2022). “Wann sind öffentliche Finanzen (rechtlich) gesund?”, makronom, 18 November.

Leipold, Bruno (2023). “Marx’ Soziale Republik”, Politik & Ökonomie.

Salami, Minna (2023). “What has not been noticed before; On the African village and the secrets of modernity. Part I”, yppe, 27 March.

Upor, László (2024). Majdnem lehetetlen. Budapest: Magyar Narancs.

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