Felix is a graduate economist and communications expert. As a business journalist, he has received many awards for his investigative research, elaborate reporting and cross-media stories. Between 2014 and 2019, he edited the economics desk at DIE ZEIT, the largest weekly newspaper in Germany. In this capacity he was involved in exposing the cum-ex scandal, the biggest tax robbery in Europe. Since 2020, Felix is co-founder of media-startup Flip. He was a Thomas Mann House Fellow of 2023.
His interest in ideas for a better, more sustainable economy led him to become a Media Fellow at THE NEW INSTITUTE in the Academic Year 2024/25.
The rich are harming the climate – so let them save it, in DIE ZEIT, 2023
Sneaker Hunt, in FLIP/DIE ZEIT/ NDR, 2022
The Coup of the Century, DIE ZEIT, 2018
The Great Tax Heist, DIE ZEIT, 2017