
Mike Farjam

Photo by Maximilian Glas

Mike Farjam

European Studies, Lund University


Mike currently works at Lund University as a senior researcher in the Horizon2020 project PROTECT where he focuses on the computational analysis of the migration discourse on social media. He studies political and environmental behavior in the context of political polarization, specifically the mismatch between what people say and what they actually do. Previously, he taught at Linnaeus University in Växjö and was a visiting researcher at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Mike holds degrees in Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, and a PhD in Economics.

At THE NEW INSTITUTE Mike was involved in the program Depolarizing Public Debates.


Social conformity or attitude persistence? The bandwagon effect and the spiral of silence in a polarized context” (with Karl Loxbo), in: Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 2023

Actions speak louder than words: Attitudes, behaviour, and partisan identity in a polarised environmental domain” (with Giangiacomo Bravo), in: Energy Research & Social Science, 2022

The bandwagon effect in an online experiment with real political organisations”, in: International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 2021

Dangerous liaisons: an online experiment on the role of scientific experts and politicians in ensuring public support for anti-COVID measures” (with Federico Bianchi, Flaminio Squazzoni and Giangiacomo Bravo), in: Royal Society Open Science, 2021

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