Tatjana Söding
Tatjana is a freelance journalist based in Berlin and a researcher with the Zetkin Collective. She received her MSc in Human Ecology from Lund University and has since focused on researching the political ecology of the far right, particularly in Germany. She is active in the climate justice movement and is a fellow of the graduate college Socio-Ecological Transformation of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation. Tatjana researches climate obstruction strategies from the far-right to the progressive camp. She also seeks ways to create a future where nature and society are not subjected to capitalist pressures.
At THE NEW INSTITUTE, Tatjana is involved in the program Beyond Capitalism: War Economy and Democratic Planning. She will join us in Spring 2025.
A Climate Fit for Capitalism: Ordoliberalism’s Political Ecology and German Environmental Politics, 2024
Postwachstum von rechts und die Gefahr des Ökofaschismus, 2023
Leugnen und Verzerren: Von der Klimaleugnung bis zum Ökofaschismus – der AfD gelingt es, in der Klimafrage zu punkten, 2023
Internetkrieger in erster Reihe: Der Rechtslibertarismus des Elon Musk, 2023