
Citizen Marx

Proclamation de la République le 24 février 1848, Jean-Paul Laurens, ca. 1902, Petit Palais, musée des Beaux-arts de la Ville de Paris.


Citizen Marx

Bruno Leipold offers a comprehensive exploration of Marx’s relationship to republicanism

In his forthcoming book Citizen Marx: Republicanism and the Formation of Karl Marx's Social and Political Thought, Bruno Leipold offers a comprehensive exploration of Marx’s relationship to republicanism, arguing that it is essential to understanding his thought. Bruno completed the book during his fellowship at THE NEW INSTITUTE and it will appear with Princeton University Press in November 2024.

Find the book here.

Bruno Leipold argues that, contrary to certain interpretive commonplaces, Karl Marx’s thinking was deeply informed by republicanism. Marx’s relation to republicanism changed over the course of his life, but its complex influence on his thought cannot be reduced to wholesale adoption or rejection. Challenging common depictions of Marx that downplay or ignore his commitment to politics, democracy, and freedom, Leipold shows that Marx viewed democratic political institutions as crucial to overcoming the social unfreedom and domination of capitalism. One of Marx’s principal political values, Leipold argues, was a republican conception of freedom, according to which one is unfree when subjected to arbitrary power.

Placing Marx’s republican communism in its historical context – but not consigning him that context – Leipold traces Marx’s shifting relationship to republicanism across three broad periods. First, Marx began his political life as a republican committed to a democratic republic in which citizens held active popular sovereignty. Second, he transitioned to communism, criticizing republicanism but incorporating the republican opposition to arbitrary power into his social critiques. He argued that although a democratic republic was not sufficient for emancipation, it was necessary for it. Third, spurred by the events of the Paris Commune of 1871, he came to view popular control in representation and public administration as essential to the realization of communism. Leipold shows how Marx positioned his republican communism to displace both antipolitical socialism and anticommunist republicanism. One of Marx’s great contributions, Leipold argues, was to place politics (and especially democratic politics) at the heart of socialism.

At THE NEW INSTITUTE, Bruno Leipold is working on themes related to The Future of Democracy.

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