
Paul Kottman

Photo by Sabine Vielmo


Comparative Literature, The New School for Social Research, New York City


Paul is Professor of Comparative Literature and Chair of Liberal Studies at the New School for Social Research in New York. He edits the book series Square One: First Order Questions in the Humanities for Stanford University Press and is the author of several books. Most recently, Love as Human Freedom sees love as a practice that changes over time through which new social realities are brought into being. Love brings about, and helps us to explain, immense social-historical shifts—from the rise of feminism to the struggles for abortion rights and birth control and the erosion of a gender-based division of labor. He is currently at work on a book that interrogates the way in which ethical life takes shape in contemporary aesthetic forms.

At THE NEW INSTITUTE, Paul is involved in several programs in the Academic Year 2024/25.


The Art of Hegel’s Aesthetics: Hegelian Philosophy and the Perspectives of Art History, 2018

The Insistence of Art: Aesthetic Philosophy after Early Modernity, 2017

Philosophers on Shakespeare, 2009

Tragic Conditions in Shakespeare, 2009

A Politics of the Scene, 2008

A Politics of the Scene, 2007

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