Stefan Gruber
Remaking Cities Institute at the School of Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Stefan is Associate Professor of Architecture and Urbanism at Carnegie Mellon University, where he chairs the Master of Urban Design program. He directs the Remaking Cities Institute, the School of Architecture's research center for urbanism, participatory action, and community design. From 2010 to 2016, he served as a Professor of Geography, Landscapes, and Cities at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Since 2006 Stefan has been working at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, and research through his design practice STUDIOGRUBER. His work focuses on spatial justice with a specific interest in the negotiation between top-down planning and bottom-up transformation of cities. Stefan has curated numerous exhibitions, including "An Atlas of Commoning" for the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, in collaboration with ARCH+ Journal for Architecture and Urbanism, and “A Dialogue Must Take Place, Precisely Because We Don't Speak the Same Language” for the 2020 Tbilisi Architecture Biennale. He initiated “Spaces of Commoning”, an interdisciplinary research project on commoning, artistic practices, and the city.
At THE NEW INSTITUTE, Stefan was involved in the program Reclaiming Common Wealth.
Commoning the City – Notes on Assembling an Atlas,
Architectural Association London, 2020
internal event
Commoning Research Institutions and Knowledge ProductionOn Wednesday, June 5, the Reclaiming Common Welth program will host a workshop at THE NEW INSTITUTE to explore how knowledge institutions can be designed to better accommodate transformative and transdisciplinary modes of research.
Fritz Breithaupt | Isabel Feichtner | Stefan Gruber | Kübra Gümüșay | Susanne Heeg | Tim Wihl | Reclaiming Common Wealth | Events | News |
public event
Society of tomorrowWith Thomas Lambusch, Stefan Gruber, Azul Lebrija Castillo, Lisa Jaspers, Benny Adrion, Noah Schöppl and Jörg Richert.
The first workshop is about the society of tomorrow: what characterizes it? How does a sense of community develop? How does social cohesion work and how can we encourage people to show solidarity?Stefan Gruber | Events |
public event
Let's Talk Books: Think Like a CommonerJoin us for our next Let's Talk Books event: “Think Like a Commoner” by the author David Bollier, in conversation with our fellow Stefan Gruber.
internal event
Infrastructures of Commoning
–On May 13-15, 2024, the program Reclaiming Common Wealth will convene a three-day workshop on Infrastructures of Commoning at THE NEW INSTITUTE.
Isabel Feichtner | Stefan Gruber | Susanne Heeg | Tim Wihl | Reclaiming Common Wealth | Events |
internal event
What is the value of land? Should land be valued?A Weekly Lecture by our program Reclaiming Common Wealth
Isabel Feichtner | Tim Wihl | Susanne Heeg | Stefan Gruber | Reclaiming Common Wealth | Events |