Susanne Heeg
Susanne holds the position of Professor of Urban Geography within the Institute of Human Geography at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, within the Department of Geosciences and Geography. Her primary research focus centers on urban areas, considering them as focal points of social struggles and pivotal nodes within global dynamics. Her research encompasses the analysis of processes that underscore the growing significance of cities and urban regions in the contemporary global landscape. Susanne’s work delves into the intricate dynamics taking place within cities and metropolitan regions. In particular, she investigates the impact of financial and property market liberalization on the urban environment. One central question driving her research revolves around understanding how the neoliberal reorganization of cities shapes physical spaces, impacts residents’ lifestyles, and influences patterns of work and habitation. Notably, she has contributed her expertise as a member of the expert commission assessing the socialization of major housing companies in Berlin.
At THE NEW INSTITUTE Susanne Heeg was involved in the program Reclaiming Common Wealth.
Struggling with and through knowledge production. The campaign ‘Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen&Co’s’ attempt at housing definancialisation in Berlin
in Critical Housing Analysis, Rabea Berfelde/ Susanne Heeg, forthcoming
Finanzmarktorientierte Wohnungsunternehmen: Eine Akteursform unter vielen?
in Degan, J. et al. (Hrsg.), Die Wohnungsfrage - eine Gerechtigkeitsfrage, 2023
Der Stachel des Widerspruchs. Wohnungspolitik und soziale Kämpfe in Frankfurt am Main
with Sebastian Schipper, in Johanna Betz, Svenja Keitzel et al. (eds.) Frankfurt am Main - eine Stadt für alle? Konfliktfelder, Orte und soziale Kämpfe, 2021
Never ending Story: Der Frankfurter Immobilienmarkt und spekulative Tendenzen
Geographische Rundschau, 2021
Ökonomie des Wohnens
Frank Eckardt and Sabine Meier (eds.), Handbuch Wohnsoziologie, 2021
The Financialization of Rental Housing 2.0: Releasing Housing into the Privatized Mainstream of Capital Accumulation
with Gertjan Wijburg and Manuel Aalbers, Antipode, Vol. 50 No. 4, pp. 1098–1119. DOI: 10.1111/anti.12382, 2018
internal event
Commoning Research Institutions and Knowledge ProductionOn Wednesday, June 5, the Reclaiming Common Welth program will host a workshop at THE NEW INSTITUTE to explore how knowledge institutions can be designed to better accommodate transformative and transdisciplinary modes of research.
Fritz Breithaupt | Isabel Feichtner | Stefan Gruber | Kübra Gümüșay | Susanne Heeg | Tim Wihl | Reclaiming Common Wealth | Events | News |
internal event
Infrastructures of Commoning
–On May 13-15, 2024, the program Reclaiming Common Wealth will convene a three-day workshop on Infrastructures of Commoning at THE NEW INSTITUTE.
Isabel Feichtner | Stefan Gruber | Susanne Heeg | Tim Wihl | Reclaiming Common Wealth | Events |
internal event
What is the value of land? Should land be valued?A Weekly Lecture by our program Reclaiming Common Wealth
Isabel Feichtner | Tim Wihl | Susanne Heeg | Stefan Gruber | Reclaiming Common Wealth | Events |