
The Future of Democracy

The Future of Democracy investigates the reforms and practices necessary for the revitalization of democracy under the rapidly changing conditions of digitalization, climate change, and geo-political shifts of power.

The Future of Democracy

The Future of Democracy investigates the reforms and practices necessary for the revitalization of democracy under the rapidly changing conditions of digitalization, climate change, and geo-political shifts of power.


Social transformations require a collective imaginary future worth striving for. Such imaginaries support coping with the adverse natural and socio-political consequences of climate change. Current democratic culture is not fostering such imaginaries, thereby leaving space for authoritarianism and populism. Democracy must not only be defended, such as by reinvorgating citizenship and democratic-political culture, but must also be expanded into the economy, embed itself within planetary conditions, and orient digitalization and AI to democratic purposes.

Curatorial Note
Curatorial Note

Raisa Galofre, El fuego vivo de la cumbia vive en nosotros (The vivid fire of Cumbia lives within us), from the series Daughters of the Muntu: A Pluriverse, 2015 – ongoing. Courtesy of the artist.

A candle melts in the hand of a woman during a procession, somewhere in the Colombian Caribbean region: The photographic series by Raisa Galofre Daughters of the Muntu offers a glimpse into the presence and stories of Muntu Americanas. This series presents a visual translation of these stories as constellations of interrelated beings. It is inspired by the storytelling by Manuel Zapata Olivella in his novel Changó, el Gran Putas and its foundations in the Muntu concept and Ubuntu worldview. Ubuntu, a Nguni Bantu term meaning "humanity“, is sometimes translated as "I am because we are" (also "I am because you are"), or "humanity towards others" (in Zulu, umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu). In Xhosa, the latter term is used, but is often meant in a more philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity".


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